Are You A Target Of Bullying In Office? Here’s How To Detect

Signs that show you are being targeted to be bullied

Are You A Target Of Bullying In Office? Here’s How To Detect
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The last time we checked, there would be numerous complaints in school against the famous bully. He would wreak havoc in the lives of the demure and the kind, and that would make them the enemies of the whole school. However, that system seems to have transpired to the workplace as well.

Being victimized at work can get atrocious to the level of the victim getting into severe depression or having to quit one’s job. It can be very tiresome for bullying at the workplace is not overtly done and the subtlety of it all is what makes it even worse. So, if you have an inkling of being bullied at work, then here’s how you may detect the signs:

Your Progress Will Go Unnoticed

Imagine burning the night oil just so that you could be noticed by your colleagues and your superior for the job that you have done, and then imagine that your efforts are thrown down the drain. That is one of the major signs of bullying. You will notice that your efforts will be unrecognized and the goal of the project for which you have been working, will suddenly be changed.

“New employees or freshers are often led to believe that not being given credit for their work and being constantly and unreasonably criticized, are ‘normal’ while at a new job. These are some of the many dangerous and damaging forms of bullying at the workplace, do not be fooled into believing them to be anything else” says Hansika, Content Writer at SRV Media.

Mind Their Words

Being yelled at frequently at your workplace is an obvious sign of being bullied
Being yelled at frequently at your workplace is an obvious sign of being bullied

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Verbal abuse is another sign of being bullied, which is easy to notice. Being yelled at by the boss in times of pressure can be understood and forgiven, but if you notice that you are being shouted at verbally abused frequently at your workplace, then that is the biggest red flag for you.

A Feeling That No One Cares

This is a pretty common feeling that engulfs us every now and then and more often than not we brush it aside as a triviality. However, if you see that you are left with less number of friends at the workplace or you are not being called for cigarette and tea breaks like you were previously, then chances are that they are bullying you.

Your Decisions Will No Longer Be Respected

If most of your decisions are not being heeded, look out for a sign
If most of your decisions are not being heeded, look out for a sign

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This will be inexplicable but this will happen. You will feel that everyone will suddenly have a lot to say against any decision you make or any comment you pass. It can be the slightest of remarks, and that will be enough for the people to shun you just because of what you said.

Not Trusting You With Responsibilities

You may think you are a responsible employee but suddenly you may find that your superiors do not think so. They will not trust you with responsibilities and you will feel alienated and disgusted.

So, these are the signs you can look out for and take the necessary measures so that you don’t have to be on the receiving end of the bully all the time.