Tackle your Stress this World Stress Awareness Day

Bid stress a goodbye! Happy World Stress Awareness Day!


Believe it or not, stress can cause a great deal of havoc and ailments in your body than you can imagine. And with all that pressure, staying healthy is also important.

Our everyday lives have made us all the more stressed and anxious. We do not seem to have time for relaxation. Be it workplace problems or relationship issues, stress can be a real killer.

On the occasion of the World Stress Awareness Day, which is observed on the 1st of November, the world should know the detrimental effects stress could have on your health.

1.Effects on your brain

A series of neurochemical events occur in your brain when you’re under too much stress which may cause headaches and migraines. The ways to cope with this severity would be practicing stress management and relaxation that can greatly reduce the migraine attacks.

2.How your stomach reacts

Even felt the churns and burns in your stomach? Yeah, they’re a cause of extreme stress and anxiety. In fact, stress could affect your gut functionality. Stress can cause heartburn. Diarrhea and bloating of your stomach are also cause due to excessive stress.


Stress lowers your immunity and the strength to combat disease-causing germs and makes you prone to sickness.


The reason you’re up all night unable to get sleep is also that of stress. In turn, the lack of sleep makes you irritable, reduces your concentration and energy levels.

5.Crave for bad carbs

Excessive stress releases adrenaline in your body and that makes you feel hungry and you feed on unhealthy carbs.

6.Your cause of backaches

Most backaches are caused because of psychological stress. Dermatologists blame cold sores on excessive stress too.

7.Delay in healing

Because of stress, your physical injuries take longer to heal. The more worried you feel, the longer it takes for wounds to cure.

8.Inability to recall things

High levels of stress make it difficult for you to recall important information that you should’ve otherwise remembered. Stress can actually damage brain cells.

9.Pregnancy issues

Stress negatively affects your reproductive system. A stressed and anxious woman is less likely to conceive.

10.Your skin

Eczema and psoriasis can be caused due to stress and anxiety. Stress triggers your skin glands to produce more sebum that leads to clogged pores, more pimples, etc.

The International Stress Management Association(ISMA) focuses on reaching out to people and help them manage stress. They provide strategies to address stress both for companies and individuals. Failure to deal with stress can lead to lowering of immunity, insomnia, neurochemical disorders, skin problems, problems in digestion, gain in weight, etc.

Shrug off Stress and Celebrate Stress Awareness Day
This Stress awareness day can thus be celebrated by taking the time to examine your life and ward off things that cause stress or at least manage them. Removing stress can also be a tremendous task so ISMA provides some strategies to help you solve this.

Stress can seriously harm you so let it not take away happy days from your life. Act upon it before it’s too late!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.