How To Keep Your Finger And Toe Nails Healthy?

Few tips to keep your finger nails and toe nails naturally great

How To Keep Your Finger And Toe Nails Healthy?

Who doesn’t like those pampering mani and pedi sessions? You can lose yourself in those calming bubbles, even as someone takes care of your whites and makes them look all healthy and shiny.

But hey, did you know that there is much more required to keep your finger and toe nails healthy, than just going for your beauty and grooming sessions?

Check out these points that will make sure you keep your nails fungus free and healthy, to ensure they remain in the best of ‘shape.’

8 tips to keep your finger nails and toe nails healthy

It is very important to choose your footwear smartly, to let your toes breathe
It is very important to choose your footwear smartly, to let your toes breathe

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Choose footwear that lets your toes breathe

Warm, sweaty and moist feet area perfect breeding ground for bacteria which causes fungal infection in the toe nails. Shoes that let your feet breathe are the best bet here.

Go for canvas or leather shoes and slip in to fashionable sandals whenever possible.You can also sprinkle some antifungal powder in your shoes and socks each time before wearing.

Add more keratin to your diet

Your salon person has probably already bugged you to death with this term, but wait (!) we aren’t doing that. Keratin is a type of protein that also helps to make up your nails the way they are, so it is important you have a good amount of keratin in your diet.

Foods such as eggs, lean meats and yogurts are great sources of keratin.

Use an antibacterial soap to wash your feet

Washing your feet at least once or twice a day will ensure they are free of any residual sweat, grime and dirt. All you need is some warm water and a mild antibacterial or antiseptic soap.

Make sure to dry your feet and especially in between your toe nails to avoid any bacteria from breeding.

The best way to trim your nails is trim them straight instead of in a curved shape.
The best way to trim your nails is trim them straight instead of in a curved shape.

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Trim them properly

Regular trimming of nails is important, but it is also important to make sure they are trimmed the right way. Did you know that trimming your nails in a half moon shape can lead to ingrown toenails?

The best way to do this is to trim them straight instead of in a curved shape.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is great when it comes to preventing the growth of bacteria and it also leaves your toes feeling smooth and smelling nice.

Add a few drops to your foot cream or moisturizer and apply daily on the feet or your finger nails.

Check out biotin

Biotin as a nutritional supplement can help to make your brittle and weak finger nails stronger and reduce the problem of nails breaking off.

Speak to your doctor about what supplements you can take.

Do not keep your nails polished all the time. Keeping bare nails occasionally is good.
Do not keep your nails polished all the time. Keeping bare nails occasionally is good.

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Go easy on the polish

If you love to polish your nails, give them a break occasionally. For nail polish removers, try the ones that do not contain acetone.

If you do apply nail polish, applying a layer of nail hardener on the top can prevent them from getting brittle.

Moisturize the cuticles

Your cuticles are like the protective casing around your nails that prevent them from chipping or damage, which further prevents infection. Cutting your nails too close to the cuticles can also damage them.

Use a cuticle oil or any hand moisturizer to keep them protected.

Read Also: How To Keep Your Nails Healthy And Clean?

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.