A Chronic Back Pain Turned Her Into An Alternate Medical Therapist

Unhealthy eating, hormonal imbalance and lack of exercises are reasons for women to fall sick these days, according to Fharzana Siraj.

A Chronic Back Pain Turned Her Into An Alternate Medical Therapist
Image Credit: Orange Ray

Fharzana Siraj is a yoga therapist who has been practicing yoga since the age of 13. Her interest in yoga grew and she turned it into a career when she was suffering from chronic back pain and did not have a solution until she practiced BK Iyengar’s Yoga therapy. Hot Friday Talks spoke to Fharzana  and this is what she had to say.

Tell us why you chose alternative medicine as a career?

Fharzana Siraj has begun her yoga journey at the age of 13 and is a certified yoga therapist today.
Fharzana Siraj has begun her yoga journey at the age of 13 and is a certified yoga therapist today.

Image Credit: Fharzana Siraj Facebook

I have always been crazy about yoga but then I have been practicing with the limited knowledge I had and that’s where I went wrong. When I was on my early 30s, I suffered from chronic back pain and tried nearly all the therapies but I have not been lucky enough. That was when I learned the yoga from BKS Iyengar, the founder of modern yoga, and was certified by him.

Not only did my pain vanish, but I also developed my knowledge and did my masters in yoga therapy. Currently, I am doing my doctorate in alternative medicine. I am also the founder of Orange Ray, an alternative medicine clinic, operating in six locations in Chennai.

As a therapist, what do you think is the common problem faced by young women these days?

Most of the women I deal with complaints about back pain or neck pain. This is due to the unhealthy lifestyle, I would say. When you sit for long, it is important to give your neck and spine some rest with warm-ups. The other reason for this widespread problem is eating junk foods. These unhealthy foods can taste yummy but have a stronger negative impact on your hormones.

It all starts with pain and results in infertility problems as the adult ages!

Women care about their skin and facial appearance but care less for other body parts. In other words, a foot is less cared than the face. As a result, you keep one part healthy and the other part unhealthy. Instead, focus on every part of your body and give all the care and essential nutrients.

What do you think is the best solution to these problems?

Minimalistic life, according to me, is one of the solutions.
Minimalistic life, according to me, is one of the solutions.

Image Credit: Orange Ray

Don’t choose fad diets. I practice minimalism in life. Eat healthily and just what you need from the resources available at your vicinity! Instead of buying a product that takes you less time to prepare the food, practice traditional cooking. Don’t opt for fancy food packages!

Of course, one solution does not fit all but a healthy lifestyle and food routine are essential. You can easily inculcate them by eating natural foods that are clean, green and healthy and practice simple workouts that can keep you active and rejuvenate your mind.

Can you suggest ‘an ideal routine’?

To me, an ideal routine is not going to be a common solution. However, I would affirm that when a person incorporates all the 4 pillars of Ayurveda that focus on sleep, food, exercise, and emotional wellness, a woman can live disease-free.

Would you like to share some tips for all the women?

Perhaps! I would like to insist every woman have that personal time to care for health. From the cases I have dealt so far, I can see that women fail to celebrate themselves and care excessively for others. As a result, they don’t know to handle stress or sudden health issue. Not only does she suffer, but the entire family also suffers.

Like Fharzana says, Let’s all celebrate ourselves and practice spending that ‘me’ time daily!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.