Here’s Why Organic Farming Is Trending In India

Let’s make our food safer to consume!

Here’s Why Organic Farming Is Trending In India
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These days we often see stalls and stores around, selling organic crops, vegetables, fruits etc. Of course, if given a choice between food items grown with the help of pesticides and those grown organically, you would obviously choose the latter right?

Organic farming yields food that is not contaminated with harmful pesticides
Organic farming yields food that is not contaminated with harmful pesticides

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Yes, organic farming is the new sexy! The concept is gaining ground in India at a staggering rate. Farmers as well as the urban folk are switching to the good old organic practices which are in the long run far more beneficial for the soil and by extension to the environment. So, what exactly is organic farming? It is a system in which synthetic products and chemical fertilizers are strictly excluded, and in its stead viable alternatives like manures, crop residues, organic waste materials and the like are incorporated.

Consuming food that come in direct contact with pesticides are harmful for our health
Consuming food that come in direct contact with pesticides are harmful for our health

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The death knell of inorganic chemicals rings loudly as farmers have decided to take an organic turn, partly because of Modi government’s awareness of environmental hazards and pollution, partly because they are now conscious of the dangerous consequences of using chemical fertilizers. Pull Quote:

This method is highly profitable in the long run, which is why the common folks have decided to go MIA on their jobs and take up this feasible, durable, reliable and profitable method of farming.

Prabhat believes, “only by being the change, can we see the change”
Prabhat believes, “only by being the change, can we see the change”

Prabhat from Bihar has gained firsthand experience of how chemical fertilizers erode the soil and can also cause cancer in people who happen to consume these vegetables. “I left job and enrolled for a training program to learn some basic techniques. One can’t change a land into organic in one day. 1/4th of the land should be treated every year and this is how we can achieve the goal in 4 years.” He has also decided to take matters in his own hand and set up an organic farm based on “Trap plants, pheromone trap, organic mulching and other techniques to avoid the use of inorganic substances.” It also enables for greater transparency between the farmer and the buyer.

So if you are confused about which path to follow, always remember the organic way is the best way.