Here’s What To Do On Bad Days

It is not always about turning the bad day around. Sometimes, it’s about facing it!

Here's What To Do On Bad Days
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We go through bad days more often than we care to admit. And yes, bad days are actually bad. Give us a break from “try to see the good in it”. Because I trust you all and I am sure you tried just like I did. But it never works. Some bad days only have the potential of getting worse. So sometimes it is just better to sit back and let it pass. But what do you do on those other bad days? The ones where you can’t really sit back and let it pass; the ones where you HAVE TO DO something! Let’s find out few interesting answers, as always!

Make A List

Your day is only as bad as you think it is.
Your day is only as bad as you think it is.

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This is the go-to process of getting yourself back on track. A lot of us cannot afford to have bad days or use it as an excuse of not fulfilling our responsibilities. So, here’s what to do. Make a list! I know it sounds boring and something that’d only elevate your bad day to a new level but trust me on this one. Just make a list of all the reasons, ALL the reasons why you feel like it is a bad day. List everything down from the lunchbox you forgot at home to the client who fought with you, everything!

Once you start listing down the reasons, you will realize two things. One, the reasons aren’t that many and two, the reasons aren’t exactly fatal. Another surprising thing that happens is that you start feeling a little better. Because by writing your reasons down on paper (or phone), you finally see them for what they are and not for the deadly unsolvable problems that your thoughts made you perceive. Also, keeping a record will help you see a pattern and looking at your past problems get solved will make you feel comfortable.

Break The Pattern

You deserve joy, happiness, and adventure.
You deserve joy, happiness, and adventure.

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Breaking the pattern is like going the old school way! Remember how after mugging up a chapter of History, we used to solve a chapter of mathematics to break the pattern? Yes, something like that! Ideally, this step comes after you have documented your reasons. But it works just fine, even without the first step. So, how do we break the pattern? Just stop what you’re doing and leave. Do ANYTHING else. Preferably something that makes you laugh and also changes your routine. You can even talk to a friend about everything that’s happening. You can work out- exercising stimulates endorphins, the “feel good” hormones. They key aspect here is doing something entirely different and helping your mind restart.

Don’t Quit

Irrespective of the kind of bad day you are going through- work or personal or both, the most important decision that you will take on every such day is of not quitting. When I ask you to not quit, I am not trying to fill you with false hopes and illusionary beliefs. But if there’s any chance of a better day tomorrow, if there’s any chance of turning around a bad day, it is by deciding not to quit. Self-doubt is a normal reaction to such experiences and we all go through that at some point or the other. But only if you are persistent, will you have a day worth remembering. And that one day will be more powerful than all the bad days combined.

Sometimes all you got to do is to just hang in there!